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            !!! Feature in the Spotlight !!!

The Edge Touch 'N Go Thermostat

The new Carrier Edge Touch 'N Go  thermostat provides homeowners the convenience of keeping their home comfortable and maximizing energy savings with just the touch of a button.  The thermostat has one-button settings for  home, away, and sleep.

For example, the homeowner can set one desired temperature for while he is at home, another setting for when he is away from home, and another setting for while he is sleeping.  Once the options are set, all that is required to switch from one setting to another is a simple touch of the button!

The Edge also provides for personalized humidity settings, resulting in improved air quality and comfort.

In addition, during spring and autumn when outdoor temperatures are warm during the day and cool at night, the thermostat will automatically switch between the heat and air conditioning as needed!  By following the simple instructions, the thermostat settings can be personalized to fit the homeowner's unique habits and lifestyle.

And, the Edge is an Energy Star thermostat, which adds up to more savings for the homeowner!  Comfort and energy efficiency have never been this easy!




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